Sunday, January 4, 2009


Late in the evening
(early in the morning-- time means nothing here)
we sorcerers and students
gather with Jocasta to pass around
a carafe of water.

"We're done here," (Jocasta says,)
the bash has reached critical mass
and will flare til the fuel
of their passion is exhausted.
Now we can let down our hair and
take off the nametags
and join the celebration!

"Gentlemen, you've done fine work
and controlled the flow of power
with intricate precision
and immaculate mastery-
a safe blaze fed with twigs
and ringed with stacked stone.

"It's time to let go.

"Time to bypass the governors and
let slip the mysteries and
let it flow out of control.
We've been slipping them sips;
let them drink and be refreshed.

"I know your fears--
unwatered wine maddened the Maenads--
but your wall is sound and
has waved away the nasty bastards
and will contain the chaos
if things fall apart inside.

"We've spent this timeless time
priming them for power.
Some have been dazzled and dizzied
but found their footing fast
and have advanced to dance with the magic.
Already the proficient look after the apprentices
and will scoop up any strays.

"Let go."

We glance at each other,
shrug as one,
and let go.

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